
Mumps Treatment in Delhi

Mumps Treatment

Treating mumps mainly involves easing symptoms and avoiding complications since it’s caused by the mumps virus. Here are the main points of mumps treatment:

Mumps Treatment

Symptom Relief:

Pain and Fever: To reduce fever and relieve pain, you can take over-the-counter pain relievers like acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen.

Swelling: For swollen glands, applying ice or heat packs can help. Taking pain relievers can also alleviate discomfort.

Fluids and Rest:

Make sure the patient gets plenty of rest and drinks enough fluids to stay hydrated for a better recovery.


Since mumps is highly contagious, infected individuals should stay isolated from others, especially during the first five days after the onset of swollen glands.

Managing Complications:

Mumps can lead to complications such as orchitis (inflammation of the testicles), meningitis, and pancreatitis. These conditions require specific treatments and may need additional medical attention.


Preventing mumps is crucial. The MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella) vaccine is highly effective and is usually given in two doses, starting in childhood.

Antiviral Medications:

In certain cases, antiviral medications might be considered, especially for those at higher risk of complications. However, they are not typically used for uncomplicated cases of mumps.

Seeking Medical Advice:

It’s important to consult a healthcare provider for specific guidance on managing symptoms and potential complications. If you suspect you or someone else has mumps, seeking medical advice promptly can help ensure proper treatment and prevent the spread to others.