
Vaginal Wart Treatment in Delhi

Vaginal Wart Surgery

Vaginal wart surgery, also known as surgical excision or removal of genital warts, is a procedure performed to eliminate warts caused by human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. Genital warts can appear on the vulva, vagina, cervix, anus, or groin area, and surgery may be recommended when other treatments such as topical medications or cryotherapy (freezing) are ineffective or inappropriate due to the size or location of the warts.

Vaginal wart surgery


Surgical intervention for vaginal warts is considered in the following situations:

  • Large or Numerous Warts: Warts that are extensive, recurrent, or have not responded to other treatments.
  • Internal Warts: Warts located inside the vagina or on the cervix that cannot be effectively treated with topical medications or cryotherapy.
  • Cosmetic Concerns: Warts that cause significant discomfort, pain, or emotional distress.

Types of Surgical Procedures

  1. Excision Surgery
    • Procedure: Surgical excision involves cutting out the warts using a scalpel or surgical scissors.
    • Anesthesia: Local anesthesia is typically used to numb the area before surgery.
    • Technique: The surgeon carefully removes visible warts, ensuring that the entire wart and a small margin of surrounding tissue are excised to reduce the risk of recurrence.
  2. Electrosurgery (Electrocautery)
    • Procedure: Electrosurgery uses an electrical current to burn and destroy the warts.
    • Anesthesia: Local anesthesia is used to numb the area.
    • Technique: A specialized instrument delivers an electrical current to the wart tissue, causing it to be burned and destroyed. This method also helps to control bleeding during the procedure.

Procedure Steps

  1. Preoperative Preparation
    • Evaluation: Comprehensive evaluation of the warts, including location, size, and extent.
    • Medical History: Assessment of the patient’s overall health and any allergies or previous reactions to anesthesia.
    • Patient Education: Explanation of the procedure, risks, benefits, and expected outcomes.
  2. Surgical Procedure
    • Anesthesia: Local anesthesia is administered to numb the area where the warts are located.
    • Wart Removal: Depending on the method chosen (excision or electrosurgery), the surgeon carefully removes the warts.
    • Hemostasis: Control of bleeding using techniques such as electrocautery if necessary.
    • Closure: Small wounds may be left open to heal naturally or closed with sutures, depending on the size and location of the excised warts.
  3. Postoperative Care
    • Pain Management: Pain relief medications are prescribed as needed to manage discomfort.
    • Wound Care: Instructions on how to care for the surgical site, including keeping it clean and dry to prevent infection.
    • Activity Restrictions: Avoiding strenuous activities and sexual intercourse for a period of time to allow for proper healing.
    • Follow-Up: Regular follow-up appointments to monitor healing progress, assess for recurrence, and address any concerns.

Risks and Complications

  • Bleeding: Risk of bleeding during or after surgery, especially with larger warts or if electrocautery is used.
  • Infection: Risk of infection at the surgical site.
  • Scarring: Possibility of scarring, especially with larger excisions.
  • Recurrence: Warts may recur despite surgical removal, especially if the HPV infection persists.
  • Pain or Discomfort: Temporary discomfort or pain at the surgical site.

Recovery and Outlook

  • Immediate Recovery: Most patients can go home the same day after surgery. Mild discomfort and swelling are common and can be managed with pain relief medications.
  • Long-Term Outlook: Surgical removal of warts is generally effective in eliminating visible warts. However, it is important to continue monitoring for recurrence and to address any underlying HPV infection through appropriate medical management and regular follow-up.


Vaginal wart surgery is a common procedure performed to remove genital warts that are causing symptoms or concerns. It aims to alleviate discomfort, reduce the risk of transmission, and improve cosmetic appearance. Close communication with healthcare providers and adherence to postoperative care instructions are essential for optimal healing and outcomes.